Property Townsville Photography Services that sell houses fast – Real estate agency Townsville

Photography is a critical factor for marketing when you’re planning on selling your house. Professional photography highlights your property’s best features and helps you sell or lease your property sooner. Our professional real estate house photographer has the equipment and more importantly, they know how to frame the shot and adjust the lighting to get the best results.


Thinking of selling your house but not sure how much it is worth? If you’re interested in learning more about our real estate photography services, contact us today. Our real estate agency in Townsville can also provide a free home appraisal if you’re unsure about how much your house will sell for.


Property Townsville photography tips to sell your house fast

Every seller wants their home to sell quickly and for the best price possible, but it takes more than luck to make that happen. It involves careful planning and knowing how to professionally prepare your real estate house to be photographed to convince buyers to pull out their cheque books. Here are some simple steps you can take to make sure your real estate house sells quickly and for top dollar.


  1. Get rid of clutter

When a buyer sees everything organised down to the last detail, it shows that you take care of your possessions and likely took good care of the house. Cluttered tables, shelving and kids’ rooms bursting with toys do not photograph well. Clutter takes up space, and space is what sells. Make your home look bigger and more desirable by editing down to just the basics and ensuring that all cupboards and closets are well organised.


  1. Do a spring clean

A squeaky-clean home suggests to prospective buyers that the current owners took good care of the property. If you’ve neglected certain tasks, like cleaning the walls or regularly dusting your blinds, now is the time to tackle them.


  1. De-personalise the space

One of the primary objectives of DIY home staging is to help prospective buyers visualise the space as their own. Start by removing any personal photos, making sure to take down both framed photos on walls and surfaces and anything that’s hanging on your fridge. Keep clothes stored away and out of sight, and clear bathroom counters of personal items.


  1. Don’t forget the outside

First impressions are crucial, so make sure that the outside is cleaned up. Start by mowing the lawn, mulching, and maintaining the gardens, pressure cleaning the driveway, removing clutter from the back yard, and clear all cars from the driveway.


Once you’ve ticked off these items, you should be ready to go!


Want to sell your house with professional real estate photography? Contact us, your local real estate agency in Townsville!


Sell your house fast with Open Property’s real estate photography services

The following photos are a true depiction of the properties we have sold. It is an essential part of our No Up Front Marketing Costs Package that you receive the highest quality photos taken by a professional.


 Not sure how much you can sell your house for? Get a free appraisal today.